Keynote Speakers
In Pursuit of Accuracy: Thermal Design Verification in Automotive Power Electronics
Szilárd Zsigmond SZŐKE, Bosch HU
Szilárd Zsigmond SZŐKE is working for the Engineering Center Budapest of Robert Bosch Kft. as senior expert for power electronics and thermal behaviour of electronic components. His team (ThID) performs thermal measurements and simulations of components, modules, and full automotive control units, focusing on matching models with reality.
Szilárd received his Electrical Engineering diploma from the “Politechnica” University of Timisoara (Romania) in 2004, and worked there as teaching assistant, before joining Bosch in 2007. Since then, he was involved in development of start-stop and generator control units, blower controllers, and various actuators for automotive use. Szilárd has published 7 research papers and holds 4 patents.
Reliability is a key factor when designing automotive power electronics, and extensive thermal modeling activities are involved to verify if a proposed design can withstand the harsh environment, combined with the loads expected. Often one of the cost drivers is the cooling subsystem, and the quality of thermal models directly impact how much it needs to be overdesigned. Part of the available design space will be lost to the guard band covering both the uncertainty of temperature predictions, and manufacturing tolerances. To improve accuracy of thermal models, dedicated model verification activities or model calibration can be included in the engineering workflow. To ensure all produced parts are according to specification some products employ 100% thermal performance testing in our factories.
My hobby is electronics, I love playing with electronic instruments, trying to measure the unmeasurable. About 10 years ago I got captivated by the world of thermal measurements and been serving my fellow reliability colleagues (and others) ever since. In my talk I will recall my encounters with topics like (thermal) model accuracy, model vs. measurement vs. reality, suitability of a model to a purpose, all in the context of automotive power electronics. I might even add a quick glimpse of the bright future…
Making Digital Twin Work
Dr. G.Q. Zhang, TU Delft
Dr. G.Q. Zhang is IEEE Fellow, Member of Dutch Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI), chair professor for “Micro/Nanoelectronics System Integration and Reliability” of Delft University of Technology (TUD). His research interests cover multi-level heterogeneous system integration and packaging; multi-physics and multiscale modelling and optimization; digital twin and designing for reliability; WBS sensors and components; SSL technology. He authored/coauthored more than 500 publications, and 11 of his former PhD graduates became professors/associated professors. Currently, he is secretary-general of IEEE International Technology Roadmap of Wide bandgap power semiconductors (ITRW), co-chair of advisor board of ISA and member of Engineering Education WG of CAETS.
He chaired the “More than Moore” team of European’s technology platform for micro/nanoelectronics (Eniac); served as co-chair of the academic council of Dutch national innovation program on “Micro/nanoelectronics and embedded system”, worked for NXP Semiconductors as Senior Director of Technology Strategy and Philips Research Fellow until May 2013.
Driven by the ever-increased societal needs for digitalization and intelligence, such as autonomous driving, “Smart-X”, “AI in all”, the demands for mission critical electronics components and systems are growing fast. To realize “performance and lifetime on demand” of these mission critical electronics, Digital Twin (DT) will play an essential role. DT consists of mainly 3 parts: physical products in real space, digital products in virtual space, and connectivity of data and information that tie the virtual with real product together. This talk will focus on the major success factors of developing a reliable virtual twin via multi-scale and multi-physics simulation and optimization, covering the whole product creation, qualification and application conditions. Some challenges for future developments will also be highlighted.
Challenges and Opportunities to Improve the Performance of LED Lighting
László Balázs, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Dr. László Balázs received his MSc degree in chemistry in 1988 and his PhD in 1995 from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Between 1995 and 2017, he worked at GE Lighting, holding various engineering and technical management positions in light source development. In 2017 he joined the Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering at Óbuda University, teaching lighting technology, physics, and material science.
Since 2022 he has been working as an associate professor at the Institute of Agronomy of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. His current research focuses on the optimization of horticultural lighting systems.
The performance of light-emitting diodes has significantly improved in the last three decades. The luminous efficacy of the first white phosphor LED constructed in 1996 was comparable with an incandescent bulb, whereas today, the best-in-class commercial LEDs exceed 230 lm/W approaching a practical limit. The primary driver of the technology shift from conventional to solid-state lighting has been the need for high-efficiency light sources to save energy costs. The steadily increasing LED efficacy and decreasing luminaire prices enabled lighting upgrade projects with relatively low return-on-investment. As the baseline for efficiency improvements increases, the potential energy cost saving decreases in absolute value, rendering energy upgrades less attractive in the future. Beyond energy saving, LED lighting can deliver additional benefits to customers. Superior light quality or emission spectrum tailored for physiological responses may be more valuable to the market than a further 10-20% efficacy improvement. In this talk, general and horticultural lighting use cases will be presented to highlight the tradeoffs between efficacy and light quality and provide insights into LED lighting trends.